Here’s my latest, Eye: Notes to a Poet. I wrote about Care Bears, Public Enemy, white Jesus, writer Kiese Laymon, space travel, Brer Rabbit, and artist Sheena Rose. Painter Titus Kaphar contributed a poem and painting. To say that this a big deal or a high honor is an understatement. These people are like Gods to me. I am beside myself.
It never occurred to me that I’d ever write about becoming a writer. I always thought that talking about writing is like thinking about meditating while trying to meditate. On the rollercoaster, it’s been double loops and meandering twists. My daughter just started school, which if you’re not familiar with Japan’s public education system, it’s like the military (seriously). When the kids are told to stand at attention, I keep telling her to stand up straight and make funny faces, stick out your tongue, do Jazz hands, mouth “Wow wee” over and over again. She ain’t gonna be there long. The transition has been stressful, but little girl is still silly-walking down the cat walk, striking funny poses. Now it’s time for daddy to play badminton with pretty girl and kick it with the missis. Thank you to my family. I love you. Without you, I can’t function.
Thank you MoCADA Digital aka the Museum of Contemporary African Diasporian Arts for giving me the opportunity. I wish my mother was alive to see this. She’d be patting my cheek, chuckling. “See, I told you. Ya Momma knows,” she’d say. Thank you and I love you to my peoples that lended their support, time, and patience. Yall know me.