In the latest issue of Hi-Fructose I had the privilege of interviewing and writing about artist Justin Bowers. His work is a good indication of where mankind is headed if we as a species don’t reexamine our current projection; not to mention his work is beautiful, buggy and all out amazing. Lots of other goodies: Fuco Ueda, Laura Ball, Jordan Kasey and Al Columbia for starters. Hi’s write up about their upcoming issue is below.
Our new issue of Hi-Fructose New Contemporary Art Magazine arrives in April and features a beautiful cover and feature by Fuco Ueda, the art of Ray Caesar, interactive graphic work by Brosmind, the sculptures of Erika Sanada, Tristram Lansdowne’sotherworldly architectural paintings, Laura Ball’s constructed animal paintings, painter,Justin Bower’s glitch paintings, Jordan Kasey, surreal photography and origami works by Alma Haser, Brandi Milne’s new book, an interview with Long Gone John about this new B-Kawz release, and a very special 16 page insert by Al Columbia, featuring beautiful reproductions of his works on paper, and more! Pre-order a copy today!