Art by Shepard Fairey for Ebony Magazine -
Harry T. Moore, Sanford, Fl civil rights activist, killed 1951
- On the Killing of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman -Ta-Nehisi Coates
On Trayvon -Sum
A Letter to My Nephew -James Baldwin, December 1962
Tim Wise on HuffPost Live, July 8, 2013 Discussing His Upcoming Film, “White Like Me”
Twitter – Isabel Wilkerson
The Story of Harry T. Moore -PBS
How Trayvon Martin Case Could Affect ‘Stand Your Ground’ Laws Across U.S.
President Obama releases statement about Zimmerman’s verdict
Lots of People Protested For Trayvon Martin in Los Angeles -Vice
Trayvon Martin Protesters Block 10 Freeway in LA -LA Times
Protests Across the nation for Trayvon Martin -LA Times
Thousands Take to the Streets Following Verdict -NBC News
We Are Not Trayvon MartinOrlando Sentinel