“You shut the fuck up and wait,” Tom said, pointing his finger at the driver honking at him from behind. Tom was a big-bellied fat man. A pistol and a pocketknife hung from his waist. Framed by ditches on both sides, Tom and Pops talked from their trucks, blocking the narrow two-lane road. In the back of our van, my middle brother Peter and I were sitting on tomato boxes. “Geeze,” Pete whispered, putting his head between his legs. “The …
Tag: brother
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Tracy Jones
The Missed-Adventures of Br’er Rabbit and Br’er Death in the Land of Shadows is the latest solo show from artist Christopher Burch. The exhibition is part of Burch’s continuing series about Br’er Rabbit, a classic American figure birthed by slavery. Held at Aggregate Space, The Missed-Adventures instillation includes found objects, video, drawings and a floor-to-ceiling mural. Burch described it as a “giant graphic novel” that’s “confrontational” and storied. Br’er Rabbit, also known as the trickster, was a clever amoral rabbit …