Here’s my latest, Eye: Notes to a Poet. I wrote about Care Bears, Public Enemy, white Jesus, writer Kiese Laymon, space travel, Brer Rabbit, and artist Sheena Rose. Painter Titus Kaphar contributed a poem and painting. To say that this a big deal or a high honor is an understatement. These people are like Gods to me. I am beside myself. It never occurred to me that I’d ever write about becoming a writer. I always thought that talking about …
Tag: essay
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Tracy Jones
Asaan Brooks a.k.a. Swamburger a.k.a. Swam, 1/4 of Solillaquists of Sound, rapper, artist, skateboarder, writer, teacher, student, community organizer, and entrepreneur. I met Asaan when I was a senior in high school. 1998: putting a show together that never happened, illuminati, Jason’s Moms gave me a couple Dr. Malachi Z. York books, Saul Williams in the film Slam Nation debuting at the Florida Film Festival, Patrick Scott Barnes features Beau Sia at his open mic, Ras Kass released the classic …