Bad Rap, a documentary about Asian American rappers had a successful crowd funded campaign, exceeding their $25,000 goal by the end of their campaign this past week. As promotions for the documentary and the rappers involved, the director/producers Salima Koroma and Jaeki Cho along with three of the four central rappers from the documentary: Awkwafina, Lyricks, and Reksitzzy have been doing shows and interviews this past week. They’ve also had an interview on Hot 97, with DJ Cipha Sounds, talking about the …
Tag: Bad Rap
Asian Americans in Hip-Hop, the overlooked story. Bad Rap is a documentary that follows four seasoned and up’n’coming Asian American rappers: Dumbfounded (aka DFD, PARKER), Awkwafina, Rekstizzy, and Lyricks. Guest cameos interviews include other Asian American rappers such as Jin, Far East Movement, Jay Park, Traphik, Decipher and more. Right now producer and director Salima Koroma and Jaeki Cho are trying to crowd fund through Indiegogo for some monetary support to finish up this documentary (film more artists, travel, editing, post-production, marketing expenses, etc). …