Teenage (2013) is a documentary by filmmaker Matt Wolf with author-music journalist Jon Savage whose book Teenage: The Prehistory of Youth Culture: 1875-1945 serves as research for the movie. The documentary follows the development of the teenager, a relatively new concept, starting around 1900s (the end of forced child labor) to 1945 (World War II). Back in the days, there was no concept of the second decade of life, you where a child growing straight into adulthood, getting married, laboring or finding …
Tag: Youth
Hip-Hop and Science, something most people don’t often equate as synonymous. But check the music catalogs of Afrika Bambaataa, Ultramagnetic MC’s, KRS-One, Rakim, Del the Funky Homosapien (Deltron 3030 project especially), all the way down to the Wu-Tang Clan and many others you can find scientific references in their lyrics. GZA of the Wu-Tang Clan has been partnering up with Teachers College, Columbia University Professor Christopher Emdin on a program called Science Genius B.A.T.T.L.E.S. which uses the Hip-Hop element of Emceeing (Rap) to teach science to …