“A Christmas Fucking Miracle,” video directed by Joey Garfield, got Mr. Killums rising out of the Jesus’ baby basket. The latest Run The Jewels video features Killer Mike rapping as Scrooge and El-P is Tiny Tim. …
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Rick Ross suplexed this track. “The devil is lie!” His intonation on the hook is cinematic and it’s hella catchy. Nice play on “lie” and “alive.” The former correctional officer turn poet turn gangsta rapper is nice, but sometimes his over indulgent price tag rhymes become less interesting when they become too vague or gimmicky. What keeps them fresh on this banger is their internal rhymes and word play. He goes from brand dropping to internal rhymes and double entendres. …
Los Angeles producer Exile flips the title track “Holy Grail” and “FuckWithMeYouKnowIGotIt” off Jay Z’s latest album. Using only the source material, Exile dissects the tracks and pounds out new compositions on his MPC. The result is nothing less than fresh sound sculptures suited in head nodding rhythms. At the start Exile acts a fool before getting down, tapping out newness on his MPC pads. It’s incredible to watch homie remix these tracks in an almost effortless fashion. Exile also flipped …