These are the greatest axe-men that ever came out of Japan. Period. This full proof list will kill yours. Every eyeball that scans these names will praise the definite fact that their favorite J-pop artist was included. Your tastes will be validated and thank god reflected. If not then blame the young over-caffeinated Millennial that compiled this work of wonder. The excluded Japanese rock gods are a potential cage fight for some fans, but the chosen guitarists are from different …
Tag: japan
freeform jazz by uyama hiroto …
Today on BBC I was talking about “Sand Graffiti” In Japan’s Tottori Prefecture. The interview is around 48:52. Here’s an article about the drama. Have fun kids. …
Photo courtesy of Tokyo Rainbow Pride Tokyo Rainbow Pride week is the largest annual LGBTQ celebration in Japan. This year, all throughout Golden Week, from April 27 through May 6, there were various parties, parades and conferences dedicated to this year’s theme, “I have pride.” When I walked through the festival, I got a snapshot of LGBTQ’s fight against systemic discrimination in Japan. They want the right to marry. They want to be protected against employers that fire or refuse …
The reality of African-American directors making Japanese movies isn’t as rare as it may sound. Aside from Emmanuel Osei-Kuffour’s Born With It, there are several others, including director Darryl Wharton-Rigby, a Baltimore native whose been living in Japan on and off for fifteen years. He wrote, directed, and produced his second feature film Stay (2018). Set in Tokyo, Japan, the story is a cross-cultural romance about finding love at the wrong time. Ryuu, a former salary man, is an addict …