Supernatural is a unique documentary film that truly shows the power of music. It’s where the rubber meets the road. Director Rosylyn Rhee chronicles students from Japan learning how to sing gospel music. In Japanese culture, expressing raw emotion is considered rude in the company of others. Suppressed thoughts and feelings are buried under a mountain of societal contracts that forbid people from asserting themselves, talking in a direct manner or voicing their opinions. In a homogenous conservative country like Japan, everyone is equal, the same, …
Tag: kickstarter
Supernatural is a unique documentary film that truly shows the power of music. It’s where the rubber meets the road. Director Rosylyn Rhee chronicles students from Japan learning how to sing gospel music. In Japanese culture, expressing raw emotion is considered rude in the company of others. Suppressed thoughts and feelings are buried under a mountain of societal contracts that forbid people from asserting themselves, talking in a direct manner or voicing their opinions. In a homogenous conservative country like Japan, everyone is equal, the …
Let’s get it. Solillaquists of Sound is at $8,563/$12,500. $ 3937 to go. Swamburger, the MC of the crew, has been my friend and personal motivational speaker ever since I was a kid. This half-breed (half-man/half-alien) is forever in perpetual motion and wears sweaters in the summer. I’m watching him sweat cats and dogs as we walk around, when I ask him why, he says, “njvi5$bhlnjlnlewa” and I took his word for it. I seriously thought he was doing some sort …
“Natural Disaster” is a track off Solillaquists of Sound‘s double album, The 4th Wall. The video is a mix of found footage and performances from S.O.S shows; most prominently featured are scenes from the 1998 classic movie, They Live. For WWF fans, it starred Rowdy Roddy Piper, Hulk Hogan’s nemesis. The video for “Natural Disaster” is actually edited by S.O.S. vocalist Alexandrah. The fierce urgency of now is upon you to help them raise money to release their double album, here. …