Here’s my latest, Eye: Notes to a Poet. I wrote about Care Bears, Public Enemy, white Jesus, writer Kiese Laymon, space travel, Brer Rabbit, and artist Sheena Rose. Painter Titus Kaphar contributed a poem and painting. To say that this a big deal or a high honor is an understatement. These people are like Gods to me. I am beside myself. It never occurred to me that I’d ever write about becoming a writer. I always thought that talking about …
Tag: museum of contemporary african diasporian arts
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Tracy Jones
I’m honored to announce that on July 1 at 7pm (EST) I’ll be having a live conversation with acclaimed filmmaker Terence Nance, creator of the wildly creative movie “An Oversimplification of Her Beauty” and the HBO show “Random Acts of Flyness.” For those in Japan, the event will be on July 2 at 8am. Join us on ZoomZOOM LINK: ID: 872 2968 0994Password: flyness For other details, please check The Museum of Contemporary African Diasporian Arts at Below, …