This big bearded gregarious laughing mass of a man could give a flying 747 fuck about what you think of him. If he controlled the weather it’d be King Kong conducting an orchestra. By some accounts he shouldn’t be here, here as in alive. His art could be what a potent drug induced rampage looks like, or a ballerina freezing in first position on a feather sailing through the wind. For those that know him (including this article’s author), artist John Felix Arnold …
Category: Features
Welcome to Salvation Mini Mart, America’s holiest of holies, where science is fear-mongering and shopping is worship. We got “AntiChrist” insect repellent, “Holy Water” for electrolytes and exclusive “Blood of Christ” wine imported from Bethlehem Valley. C’mon, “get drunk on Jesus.” There’s no forsaken sin that our assortment of immaculate merchandise won’t sanctify. Freaking out about a Black Messiah? Try “White Jesus” skin bleach. A single spray washes historical facts away that contradict your Christian ways. After all, “A dark prophet …
Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz reads Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss on the Senate floor during his 22-hour filibuster against ObamaCare. In response, New York Democrat Chuck Schumer is “appalled.” To a crowd of reporters he said, “Green Eggs and Ham has a moral: Don’t criticize something, don’t reject something, until you actually try it. Sam said he didn’t like green eggs and ham for a long time. And then when he finally tried it, he liked it.” …
Weeks ago I got an email from Sarah Vinnett. After reading my article, she wrote to me about her family and some of the trials that they overcame. It definitely gave me a heads-up. Thank you Sarah for being so open. Appreciate you allowing me to publicly share your story. My name is Sarah, or in Japanese 聖良. I’m half Creole (my Father is from New Orleans) and half Japanese (my Mother is from Japan, specifically the Kansai area). …
Sorry for the long pause of posts. My daughter, Kantra was out of school and I’m working on some things that always get buried under writing assignments. Last month Huffpost published my personal article, “I’m Raising A Biracial Daughter In Japan, Where She’s Surrounded By Blackface.” I know I should’ve written a reaction to its reaction(s), but I had to counter the vertigo of retweets and likes. The world’s response was head-spinning. I had a TV reporter contact me about doing …