The untimely death of George Floyd inspired global anti-racist protests that continue to this day. Here’s his story.
This is about a young lady’s experience of growing up half-black half Japanese in Japan. (with Japanese subtitles)
Cocoalizzy, born and raised and in Japan, talks about what it was like for her to grow up here.
A great and at times hard to watch film about people who grew up in Japan, half-Japanese half-other. (with Japanese subtitles)
I’ve been compiling this list and I almost forgot to include my family’s own story. Here’s an article I wrote for Huffpost about my now 6-year-old about to be 7. I’m Raising A Biracial Daughter In Japan, Where She’s Surrounded By Blackface
This is a free gathering and healing session in Japanese, specifically for black children and youth in Japan.
This is a great resource for talking to Japanese people about racism. #Black Lives Matter (黒人の命も大切だ)に関する日本語資料
Black parents talking to their children about how to deal with the police. (with Japanese subtitles)
Breonna Taylor’s case through the lens of black womanhood and history.
The video below, “Brown Eye, Blue Eye” (with Japanese subtitiles) is a social experiment conducted by the great Jane Elliott.