Photo courtesy of Tokyo Rainbow Pride Tokyo Rainbow Pride week is the largest annual LGBTQ celebration in Japan. This year, all throughout Golden Week, from April 27 through May 6, there were various parties, parades and conferences dedicated to this year’s theme, “I have pride.” When I walked through the festival, I got a snapshot of LGBTQ’s fight against systemic discrimination in Japan. They want the right to marry. They want to be protected against employers that fire or refuse …
Tag: 2019
On the street, on a boat, in a tunnel, or on a swing, for every day of this year Rhyming Gaijin writes a verse, makes a beat, records the vocals, and makes a music video. He’s 54 days into 2019 and still going. View his videos below. Subscribe to Rhyming Gaijin’s channel and watch him conquer 2019. …