For the past seven years David Young V has been living in San Francisco, CA, obsessively building his career as an artist. His series of intricate pen and ink paintings reveal a future generation whose ancestral umbilical chord has been cut off from the past. There is no United States, it’s tribal country, a post apocalyptic San Francisco where there’s left, right, fascism and neutrality. Tribes co-exist in an effort to survive, oppress, liberate, enslave or uplift each other. It’s …
Tag: eddie colla
“The number one thing is to have your camera with you all the time, and have photography on your mind all the time, then let life just happen. And don’t forget to use the camera when that’s all going on,” said photographer Shaun Roberts. Originally from Thailand, Bangkok, Roberts has lived and worked in San Francisco since 1999, back when he was studying New Media at The Academy of Art. He’s photographed and profiled artists Doze Green, Mars 1, Brett …
Several months ago I came up with a list in my head of all the things I’ve wanted to do in my lifetime, but haven’t done yet. Either fear, procrastination, money, or time had gotten in the way of accomplishing the things on this list. I’m in my mid thirties and found that there was so much I wanted to experience in this life, but haven’t yet. Days went by, before I woke up in my apartment feeling …
It’s been a minute. I’m working on something, but not sure what it is. Mostly I’m in a schizophrenic series of modes, writing this “thing” and then turning that off to write a profile on Jazz musician and beat maker Karriem Riggins. He just dropped his second album Headnod Suite. Riggins is a musical descendant of the late J Dilla. They were frequent collaborators. But Riggins definitely has his own approach to production. My ears perked up to him when I saw …
D Young V stay-making work and wheat pasting the world with it. He’s also written about his travels through his Bombing series, here, here, and here. His work is timely to put it modestly, especially if we’re about to elect an orange-faced-tycoon who wants to turn our country into a Mad Max dystopian paradise. DYV gives a quick update on his travels, future projects, relocating to Oakland, working with artist Eddie Colla, and more. Cheers. Clink. TMG: How has traveling …