Since December 5 was the 20th anniversary of the once beloved hiphop platform, Mugshot, I wanted to recognized and big up my roots. The figures and stories behind the founding of Mugshot are legendary. As I said on social media, “This is where I got my start, Mugshot Magazine. I was a kid fresh out of college and the founders, Peter Feld, Amber Fosse, and Gida Snyder took me in. They turned every perceivable roadblock into a possibility. After taking …
Tag: music
On his latest, Exotica, Tony secures his designs with a little more intention and carves a narrative born of graphic novels and film. A self-made king of raffish-cool, Fat Tony has fashioned a career out of lacquering his quirky, off-the-cuff hip-hop with designer kitsch. Several albums in and the rapper has managed to dismantle the rigmaroles of musical convention. His currency of humor, in particular, presents a hip-hop that at once swaggers handsomely with puffed-chest bravura and twitches about with …
It’s Bandcamp Friday, which means that when you buy music from Bandcamp, today, all the proceeds will go directly to the artist. It’s COVID, it’s despair, a lot of these these artists are essential workers. They are not ornamental. They help you get through the day. Let’s stop acting like art isn’t an incredibly important part of our lives, our children’s lives. If you’re practical then creativity is problem solving. Loving your favorite artist means that you support them. Some …
Did you memorize the first verse of Wu-Tang Clan’s “Method Man” from reading The Source Magazine’s “Hip-Hop Quotables?” Did you know what KRS-One’s name stood for? Were you “independent as fuck?” For the early 90’s rap kids and independent artist alike comes the documentary Adult Rappers, a rare look into the real lives of working-class rappers. The film features a lot of notable underground artists like Open Mike Eagle, Blueprint, Breeze Brewin, J-Zone, Evidence, Masta Ace, Blockhead, Atoms Family members …
Pharrell’s single “Entrepreneur (ft. Jay Z)” is an ode to black businesses. Storied snapshots of black entrepreneurs get elevated out of obscurity and placed center stage before the world. When TMG favorite, filmmaker Darryl Wharton-Rigby saw the video, which included a few notable figures from Japan’s Black community, he knew that he needed to broaden the scope of local individuals profiled in “Entrepreneur.” Enter Darryl’s “Japan Edition.” The music video is a montage of various successful Black businesses and I’m …