My four-year-old daughter, Kantra, also known as Lil’ Miss Thang aka Busy B, just started school again. She finished her first year of preschool and had spring break. At home with me, I had to adjust to her newfound maturity. At school, she socialized with her classmates who at first, shunned her away, but to Kantra, rejection fueled her persistence, as if to say, “No, you don’t understand, we’re going to play.” And they did. And they do. She’s almost …
Tag: play
Record/Play is a sci-fi love story described as “war, fate, and a broken Walkman transcend time and space.” It’s a short feature full of spaced out emotional beats and not much dialogue besides a woman’s voice from Bosnia 2-10-1993. The first frame tightly wraps around old cassette tapes with handwritten labels: Venezuela 4-14-86, Cameroon 1987, Portugal 8-14-87…cut to a small suite case full of cassette tapes on a dinner table. A man studies the Bosnia tape before putting it into …