On The Grind is a short documentary about kids of color growing up in Long Beach, California who escape their harsh realities through skateboarding. The film was predominantly shot at 14th Street Skate Park, also known as Ghetto Park, a run down facility that local Long Beach skaters treated as a sanctuary. The film explores their lives in the aftermath of losing their close friend, Michael K Green; a talented skateboarder who was in transition to becoming a professional skateboarder. …
Tag: ryan coogler
Fruitvale Station, directed and written by Ryan Coogler, reenacts the days leading up to the shooting of unarmed 22 year-old Oscar Grant of Oakland, California. The real-life shooting took place in Oakland, California at the Fruitvale subway station on New Years Day 2009. Grant, a young black male, was taking the BART train back home to Oakland after celebrating New Years Eve in San Francisco. When the train stopped at Fruitvale, supposedly 12 people under the influence got into a …