Born With It is a short film about an African-Japanese boy who identifies as Japanese, but the world sees him differently. Written and directed by Emmanuel Osei-Kuffour, Jr., the story explores isolation, alienation, and racism. Aside from the heartbreaking, yet revealing documentary Hafu, Born might be the first of it’s kind: it’s a scripted film, Japan is a vital character, and it exclusively centers a half black half Japanese kid struggling to make sense of who he is. It’s a tiny film that needs to be seen. Emmanuel and …
Category: race
At full disclosure, I went to college with filmmaker Sean Weiner. He even filmed, directed and edited a video for a Stolen Music Imprint posse cut. He finished it and we got a copy, but it never saw the light of day for a lot of forgotten reasons (It was well over a decade ago). It looked dope, but I remember hating my verse. The short documentary film, 11.15.91 is about Weiner dealing with race, identity, and becoming what you are, instead of …
Loser Laowai in China is a youtube channel produced by Randall Flagg. He’s been living in China for almost ten years. His youtube profile describes it as a story about a foreigner living in Shanghai and “information on the culture, living, working, coping and the social issues that come with the second largest economy in the world,” but Dude. Is. A. Character. “He’s alive. He’s alive!” A lot of the videos are of him talking to the camera, but don’t …