Born With It is a short film about an African-Japanese boy who identifies as Japanese, but the world sees him differently. Written and directed by Emmanuel Osei-Kuffour, Jr., the story explores isolation, alienation, and …
Blog Posts
At full disclosure, I went to college with filmmaker Sean Weiner. He even filmed, directed and edited a video for a Stolen Music Imprint posse cut. He finished it and we …
Last night I woke up at five in the morning to get some water. I gulped it down and opened my eyes to my wife holding my head up. “Are …
When I think about living in Japan, my mind gravitates towards the reasons why I hate it here. This list was supposed to challenge me, but it was a lot …
After a year of doing the weekly posts “On The Scope” and “Around The Way” I noticed how the music, art, culture, film, politics and news in our TMG posts …