Wu Tang Clan A Better Tomorrow stream – The Wu Tang Clan has dropped their sixth studio album A Better Tomorrow. This release come off the heels of the 20th anniversary of their debut 36 Chambers (1993) and see’s the clan bringing to table all the elements of the previous of albums, solo projects, and a few curve ball elements like RZA’s cinematic soundtrack work, some R&B singing, live studio instrumentation, and more. The emcees speak spit lyrics about their respective …
Tag: Detroit
The murder of Michael Brown by the police in Ferguson, MO brings back memories for Asian Americans of another murder, that of Vincent Chin some 32 years ago in Detroit, MI. Vincent’s murder case became a turning point in galvanizing the Asian American community to take action and becoming involved in social activism, reaching beyond the young Asian American progressive/radical college student set. Since Vincent’s tragic murder in 1982, there have been countless incidence of hate crimes; a recent example …
Around the time of the 2012 Olympics in London, UK’s Channel 4 aired a documentary hosted by actor Idris Elba about the evolution of club culture in UK/Europe and it’s influence on global culture. The documentary starts off by paying homage to the U.S. roots of dance music (soul/R&B, funk, disco, and electronic music coming from NYC, Chicago, and Detroit) and quickly moves into the evolution of dance music and club culture in UK and Europe. The documentary also touches …
Sad news. Chicago and the world has lost yet another talented DJ/Producer (on the heels of the recent passing of the Godfather of House music, Frankie Knuckles). Chicago Juke/Footwork DJ/Producer DJ Rashad passed away in Chicago, yesterday Saturday afternoon on April 26, 2014 of a suspected drug overdose according to the Chicago Tribune. Rashad was found unresponsive in his apartment on Chicago’s West Side by a friend Saturday afternoon and was pronounced dead by Cook County medical examiner’s office at 1:50pm, he was …
Red Bull has become a savior for unknown creatives around the world. They’ve helped a lot of artists develop their craft and get their work exposed to a much wider audience. Unlike their music events, their switching things up with The Red Bull House of Art, a three month intensive program. The first one was established in Brazil in ’10 and the second was in ’12 in Detroit. It’s pretty dope. It doesn’t exclude any medium. The three month cycles …