Peace, Planet Quarantine, Just wrote something on rapper and producer HooksArthur for bandcamp. Young dude can spit and his soundscapes are vivid. He’s on the conceptual tip. Read the article here. Hooks’ debut album What You Know May… was mixed and mastered by Zesto Q. He’s also featured on the cut, “Singularity.” To combat the media’s loop of panic and worry, peep Zesto’s exclusive TMG mixtape, Vol 1 Head Nod Chill Wave. Seems like fire is popping up everywhere except …
Tag: hiphop
At the top of 2019 rapper, producer, and artist Rhyming Gaijin made a pledge to make a beat, write a verse, and record a track for everyday of the year. He called it the 365-Day Challenge. When I first wrote about it, he was 54 days out and showed little sign of stopping. Rhyming is something of a unique figure within Tokyo, Japan’s music scene. Very few artists put themselves out there in the way that he does. Rhyming’s music …
On the street, on a boat, in a tunnel, or on a swing, for every day of this year Rhyming Gaijin writes a verse, makes a beat, records the vocals, and makes a music video. He’s 54 days into 2019 and still going. View his videos below. Subscribe to Rhyming Gaijin’s channel and watch him conquer 2019. …
Swamburger has been independently releasing music for the past 15 years. With a hustler’s spirit, Swam is a world onto himself. He’s many things; painter, skateboarder, band leader, entrepreneur, producer, rapper is just near the top of the list. As one forth of the group Solillaquists Of Sound, Swam has garnered a global cult following. Most fans know him as the guy who’s always walking amongst the crowd talking out of the box and hugging fans turned friends. Newcomers at his …