I just wrote an article for Tokyo Weekender about Japanese Mothers of half-Black half-Japanese children living in Japan. Thanks to my wife, Haruki, Motto Richardson, and Hanako for talking to me. The response to my story has been instant and I appreciate you reading, sharing, and commenting. If you missed it, read the article here. Arrigatou Gozaimas. Peace. …
Tag: tokyo
My latest Tokyo Weekender article “Why I’m Glad I Got Stuck in Japan During Covid-19” is several hours old and since it got published the response has been a ringing fire house. It’s on fire. I’m mad humbled. Thank you. At the moment my daughter is adjusting to elementary school, which is an incredible challenge. Every morning it’s like she’s getting ready to run through a gladiator course. “Dad, I’m going in. I’m going in,” she says in so many …
The untimely death of George Floyd inspired global anti-racist protests that continue to this day. Here’s his story. This is about a young lady’s experience of growing up half-black half Japanese in Japan. (with Japanese subtitles) Cocoalizzy, born and raised and in Japan, talks about what it was like for her to grow up here. A great and at times hard to watch film about people who grew up in Japan, half-Japanese half-other. (with Japanese subtitles) I’ve been compiling this …
“Made In Japan” is a retrospective of the late Jean-Michel Basquiat. It’s the first comprehensive exhibition of the artist ever in Japan. At Roppongi’s Mori Art Center Gallery, 130 paintings, drawings, notebooks, video installations, and objects span Basquiat’s whirlwind of a short-lived career. In the early 80’s, his career blew up. He became history’s first internationally renowned “black” artist. Though Basquiat was made in America, Brooklyn, New York, to be exact, the show’s title is emblematic of Japan’s failing efforts …
I was incredibly fortunate enough to kick it with one of my favorite artists in the world, Yasushi Matsui aka Noa-. Years ago in San Francisco, CA, I met him through mutual friends. At Space Gallery (RIP) in SF’s Tenderloin, Matsui was a member of the first incarnation of TMG when it was a showcase of writers and artists. On wood panel clamped to an easal, Matsui came through and got busy with artists Aaron Lawrence and Nolan Yelonek. Matsui …