Exclusive: Karlie Hustle on life after Hot 97, The Hustle bow tie, networking and more [By Danitha Jones]
Here’s Why Steve Jobs Didn’t Let His Kids Use iPads And Why You Shouldn’t Either [By Sarah Lesnar]
Vote all you want. The secret government won’t change. The people we elect aren’t the ones calling the shots, says Tufts University’s Michael Glennon [By Jordan Michael Smith]
A Psychiatrist Who Survived The Holocaust Explains Why Meaningfulness Matters More Than Happiness [By Emily Esfahani Smith]
Vice Is the Establishment Now [By David A. Graham]
Exclusive Interview: Kyle Thompson Discusses His Haunting Photography [By Nathan Spoor]
Basquiat in the American South [By ]
Inside the Box, People don’t actually like creativity. [By Jessica Olien]
Cornel West’s Disappointing Decline [By David Masciotra]
The Police Are Still Out of Control I should know. [By Frank Serpico]
Django Unchained: A Movie About Other Movies About the 19th Century [By Amanda Marcotte]
Scorsese’s Scariest Movies of All Time [By Martin Scorsese]
Democracy Now Headlines 10-31-2014 [By Amy Goodman & Juan González]
Cue Point – Cassette Culture [By Stretch Armstrong]
The Art Of Rocking A Party [By Thomas Cox]
Cream Bassist Jack Bruce Dead at 71 [By Daniel Kreps]
The Dalai Lama Will Not Return to Lead Tibet (He Has Something Better in Mind) [By Jason Louv]
Zaouli dance from Ivory Coast
“According to most people who show interest in cultures and especially in the culture of Gouro ethnic group, Zaouli, a popular mask dance, was created in the fifties. The Gouro ethnic group is the midwestern part of Ivory Coast / Cote d’Ivoire, West Africa. According to what people say, there are diverse legends regarding the origin of the Zaouli mask and dance; yet, all come to the agreement that such legends were inspired by a very beautiful girl – ‘Dzela Lou Zaouli’ – daughter of Zaouli.”
By Dje Djo Bi

Chelsea Handler challenges Instagram’s nipple policy: “It’s sexist” [By Jenny Kutner]
Odd Israeli anime videos aimed at Japanese tourists [By Jason Weisberger]
The Making Of Aliens (1986) 3 hrs Documentary (2006)
Beck, Thurston Moore, and Mike D’s ridiculous jam on MTV, 1994 [By Ron Kretsch]
Paintings of Divine, Apu, Amy Winehouse, Princess Leia and more using old coins as canvas. [By Martin Schneider]
Dollhouses of doom: Lori Nix’s post-apocalyptic dioramas. [By Amber Frost]
Tribulation 99′: The ultimate conspiracy theory! [By Oliver Hall]
Vincent Price visits ‘The Dating Game,’ 1972 [By Cherrybomb]
Dead Creepy: Family portraits with deceased relatives [By Paul Gallagher]
Why DID Bad Brains frontman H.R. duct-tape himself to a chair? [By Tara McGinley]
‘Time of the Assassins’: William S. Burroughs’ cut-up version of Time magazine, 1965. [By Martin Schneider]
Working Women: Portraits of WWII’s female factory workers. [By Paul Gallagher]
Dilma’s Reelection Proves “Citizen Kane” Style Media Still Alive and Well in Brazil. [By Drew Reed]
Batman at 75 [By Joe Nolan]
Embracing ‘The Third Wave’ [By Joseph Jadway D. Marasigan]
Behold… The Sushi Sequencer [ Just Blaze & TOKiMONSTA]
Andy Votel’s Top 15 Horror Soundtracks pt 1 & 2 [By Andy Votel]
DJ Krush: Building It [By Haruhisa Nakata]
Dave Smith RBMA Tokyo 2014 Lecture
Holly Herndon RBMA Tokyo 2014 Lecture
TOKiMONSTA RBMA Tokyo 2014 Lecture
– The above piece by James Jean reminds me of the old creepy illustrations from Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark book series.
Happy Halloween (Cover to Fables 78. Acrylic on Paper, 22 x 30, 2008.)
Via James Jean
– This past Sunday (10-26-2014) I had the honor of getting my copy of artist David Choe’s new art book Snowman Monkey BBQ at Upper Playground in SF. In Dave Choe’s mischievous style he intentionally misspelled my name and others waiting in line; later explaining on his IG:
Thanks to everyone who came out to my signing today @upperplayground if I misspelled your name, I’m not sorry. I did that shit on purpose because being ignorant is cool.
Via David Choe