Although there will be a fourth season of Boondocks, the creator and producer of the show, Aaron McGruder had absolutely no involvement in producing the fourth season? Funny style. Adult Swim issued a press release saying, “this season was produced without the involvement of Aaron McGruder, when a mutually agreeable production schedule could not be determined.” According to The Root, when McGruder was requested to comment, he confirmed as much.
McGruder created the Boondocks comic while in college at the University of Maryland. It’s been his baby for almost 20 years. The ground breaking animated show had three ill seasons and then radio silence for four years. The Root said there had been no activity on the official Boondocks Facebook page ever since the Kickstarter campaign for the Uncle Ruckus flick. “Then, on March 14, an all-black background with a white silhouette of Huey Freeman and the date “4.21.14” appeared on the page. At the very top of the posting was a lyric from the theme song by rapper Asheru: ‘I am the stone that the builder refused …’ ”
McGruder immediately responded on his new project’s official Black Jesus Facebook page, “Just found out someone has hijacked THE BOONDOCKS Facebook page. This was done without my permission and I have absolutely no control over the content being posted as of Friday, March 14” Just the other day he posted, “Day Six. Page still hijacked. Black Jesus says I have my integrity and the love of God, but fuck that I want my page back.” Signed, AM, as in, this is actually Aaron McGruder writing this.
C’mon son. On the official Boondocks Facebook page there’s been some visceral reaction to McGruder leaving the show. Even though Adult Swim isn’t commenting on the mystery surrounding this debacle, it’s basically Black Jesus 2014!