The BRIC House is doing it big these days, especially after recently opening their 40,000-square-foot multi-disciplinary facility in downtown Brooklyn. Last month they had an opening for “Art Into Music,” a show dedicated to exploring how music inspires art. Artists created work out of music media materials like records, boomboxes, homemade show flyers and zines. In addition, some artists combined visual and audio elements in their work to create a multi-sensory experience. It’s a bit of a personal affair for the artists involved, yet it makes a social commentary on mass media, history and society’s interpretation of pop culture.
Curated by Elizabeth Ferrer, the show was put together under the idea of using music as a gauge for measuring the cultural climate of a certain generation. John Felix Arnold III built a stage to function as a listening station for visitors to listen to personal playlists that inspired the making of the exhibition. Other participating artists included Arturo Meade, Dread Scott, Jeff Kurosaki and Tara Pelletier, Rashaad Newsome, Angel Nevarez and Valerie Tevere, Karlos Cárcamo, Bayeté Ross Smith, Ward Shelley, and Audra Wolowiec.
The show runs through April 17th.
Felix sent us some flicks from the opening night. He said Space Meow (photographer Walter Wlodarczyk on guitar) did a set on his stage and “Bayete Ross Smith’s tower of Boomboxes was offffff the chain!.” Check the photos below and on our Tumblr.

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