On The Grind is a short documentary about kids of color growing up in Long Beach, California who escape their harsh realities through skateboarding. The film was predominantly shot at 14th Street Skate Park, also known as Ghetto Park, a run down facility that local Long Beach skaters treated as a sanctuary. The film explores their lives in the aftermath of losing their close friend, Michael K Green; a talented skateboarder who was in transition to becoming a professional skateboarder. …
Tag: los angeles
I talked to vlogger and fashion designer, Reggie Casual for Tokyo Weekender, read it here. Reggie’s videos are a gulf of information and insight into Japanese fashion. While I enjoyed watching them and I think The Casual is one of the most unique vlogs in Japan, I couldn’t get away from the obvious influence of the black aesthetic on this country’s pop culture. Granted, The Casual is about Japanese fashion, but for him to not address the obvious is what …
This big bearded gregarious laughing mass of a man could give a flying 747 fuck about what you think of him. If he controlled the weather it’d be King Kong conducting an orchestra. By some accounts he shouldn’t be here, here as in alive. His art could be what a potent drug induced rampage looks like, or a ballerina freezing in first position on a feather sailing through the wind. For those that know him (including this article’s author), artist John Felix Arnold …
Deuce Mac and Bigg Joe West are The Young Giantz, two brothers from South Central, Los Angeles. I interviewed and wrote about them for LA Weekly. Read it here. Last Saturday I was on The Mega Late Show. That was my first ever podcast. We recorded it in Mega’s man cave, appreciate him having me over. Thanks for having me on the show. I’ll post it when it drops, some time later this month, I think. Peace to artist Keen …
Rapper Bambu’s eighth studio album Prey For The Devil cuts through like a box cutter to the face. It’s a tightly executed thematic album and it’s one of my favorite albums of last year. OJ the Producer and DJ Phatrick’s production works like a stage for a rapper who uses his words for a molotov cocktail. Bam is woke as fuck. Sad that he ain’t saying nothing new. Sadder that what he’s saying feels new. Click bate makes history feel irrelevant and …